Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hi HI-FI! :D , Our EG will be fasting tmr , reason it's for Saturday & thaanksgiving, do take it seriously and not treat it as a convenience for diet. Shepherd Mavis have alr organised a prayer meeting for 30mins after sch tmr to pray for each other Pls pray before and after you fast. For those waking up before 7 please fast from 7-7 for those who wakes up later than that pls fast from 8-8. Even though we did not win best eg, we alr did our best ! i know hi-fi can do it okay! Just like Divya said WE ARE STRONG!. STAND FIRM! and also grow stronger to the Lord. Everyone is stressed out for EOYs right, anything can tell Mavis okay! hahahaa Hi-Fi gooooooooooooo! okokokayyyyyyy.
Thanksssss :D Happy fasting tmr :D

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hahahas, HI-FI! Happy we got nominated :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD !! xDxDxDxDxDxD .

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Letting Go

read: Philippians 3:3-11

It has been said that “one person’s junk is another’s treasure.” When David Dudley tried to help his parents clear their house of “unnecessary items” before moving to a smaller home, he found it very difficult. He was often angered by his parents’ refusal to part with things they had not used for decades. Finally, David’s father helped him understand that even the worn-out, useless items were tied to close friends and important events. Clearing the clutter felt like throwing away their very lives.

A spiritual parallel to our reluctance to let go of the clutter in our homes may be our inability to clear our hearts of the attitudes that weigh us down.

For many years, Saul of Tarsus clung to the “righteousness” he had earned by obeying God’s law. His pedigree and performance were prized possessions until he encountered Jesus in a blinding moment on the Damascus Road (Acts 9:1-8). Face to face with the risen Savior, he let go of his cherished self-effort and later wrote, “But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ” (Phil. 3:7).

When the Holy Spirit urges us to release our grip on any attitude that keeps us from following Christ, we find true freedom in letting go. — David C. McCasland

Speak to us, Lord, till shamed by Thy great givingOur hands unclasp to set our treasures free;Our wills, our love, our dear ones, our possessions,All gladly yielded, gracious Lord, to Thee. —Anon.

Through Christ we have the freedom to let go


Monday, September 14, 2009

Hello, since our blog is empty and some of us dont have daily bread im gna post daily bread

Leaving a Legacy

READ: Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Recently my grandson Alex accompanied me as I ran errands. Unexpectedly he asked, “So, Grandpa, how did you receive Christ as your Savior?” Touched, I told him about my childhood conversion. Alex was still interested, so I described how his great-grandfather had come to faith. This included a brief overview of how he survived World War II, his initial resistance to the gospel, and how his life changed after becoming a Christian.

Later I was reminded of our conversation when I read a Bible passage that spoke of faith being passed down through the generations. In Deuteronomy, Moses instructed the Israelites to take to heart God’s truths and share them with the next generation as a way of life: “These words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up” (6:6-7).

Biblical parenting is not a guarantee of having godly offspring. But when we see spiritual interest in the next generation, we can cultivate vital conversations about God’s Word. This can be one of a parent’s, or grandparent’s, greatest legacies. — Dennis Fisher

God gives us children for a time,To train them in His way,To love them and to teach them

Credits : http://www.rbc.org/odb/odb.shtml#

- Clara :D

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hello! Our Blog is finally done! :D If your(Hi-Fians) dont like or anything then go edit lor. :D ask me for pw & all. kkays :D


We are from SHEKINAH.Harvest.Church.
We're God's children &
We are children chasing after God!
Do respect our blog,
& dont judge us!
We Are, Elites!!
consisting of 3 Members
MavisLim, SiehLeewemn, ClaraLi.
Leader: Kelvin.



31 August 1996

06 August 1996

10 April 1996

Tagboard here.

Look carefully :P .
Reminders ,
Eg meetings: Tuesday after school.
Place: Undecided.
Time: Undecided.

Daily Bread dates :D
Mondays: Mavis
Tuesdays: Leewemn
Wednesdays: Clara
Thursdays: Mavis
Friday: Clara
Saturday: Free to all
Sunday: Leewemn

Daily Bread Link; http://www.rbc.org/odb/odb.shtml
If you CANT do Daily Bread please notify me :D
Otherwise, I expect the blog to be updated daily, after EOY already hor!
Be accountable.
Any other queries please ask me (:

Gone with the wind.

September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009


Designer : Chili.
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