Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Read : John 1:10-13

Todays dailybread is about the best gift . To me the best gift is Jesus Christ !
To get to know him and know how much he loves us , and accept christ is best gift i
ever had . ^^ , i dont need money , fame or anything .
To me being abled to be loved by Jesus is the best gift i ever had . ^^ .
Yesh , its the best gift , " Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift ! " - 2 Conrinthians .
So elites , we will try our very best to pass our gifts around !
Let others also have this best gifts ever . Let's share with others ,
so invite more people to church . And i believe elites can do it ! :D
Even if we didnt managed to invite anybody , at least we tried .
And God can sees it and he know we tried our bests .
Jesus willing to come to earth to save us , isin it the best gift already ? He love us sooo much ! Also God willing to let his only begotten son to come and save us and being crucified .
They love us so much , how can we dont love them back .
They are our father .We are the child of God . Amen .

The greatest gift that has ever been given
Is Jesus Christ who was sent down from heaven .
This Gift can be yours if you will believe ;
Trust him as savior , and new life receive .

Oh Lord , i pray that elites will stand strong and firm !
No matter what happen we will put you first ,
guide us when we do the wrong things . We will
continue to glorify you . Father . Amen .

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

God looks at the heart , not the hand ;
the giver , not the gift .

Read : mark 12:41-44
She out of her poverty put in all that she had , her whole livelihood . - mark12:44

Today's dailybread is about a poor woman who gave two mites for the temple . Though it may just be two mites . the least valuable coin still she give everything ! She gave all she could eventhough it may be little , but its the heart that counts and thats what God sees . Many people may gave alot but they may just act only ? to let other see they that they are so generous and all . But God can see everything what we did , to God , i think he love the woman more then anyone . Because she gave all she had . We don't need to get attention by giving alot alot . but
as long as we gave what we can , God our father can sees it and will reward us through
different ways . For example just like our normal service when we are giving our offerings .
we just gave as much as we can , and God will reward us eventhough we are just returning
him what he have given us . God loves us , he really do . He can see if we have the heart ,
but not just to show people . show people how much you love God by giving alot alot just to
get attention . We can learn from the woman and i believe She will be blessed . (:

May our gifts be scarifical ,
from our hearts , and full of love .
Secretive and never showy ,
pleasing our great God above . - Sper

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Read Proverbs 9:1-12.

Todays daily bread is about FEAR . Fear actually is the best way to let us have the motivation to do well . Yeah , its true . If we live in a life with no fear . We will be like over protected . We will never learn anything . If there is fear , we will learn from the fear so that next time we wont be hurt by the fear again and again . Fear sometime also pushing us on , to do it even better . For example Profesional golfer Padraig Harrington says " The fear keeps me getting to the gym . I have to work with it and use it " . So dont fear , then we will have faith. (:



today's daily bread is about many people sinning and being sent to the prison. There are 30 million total prisoners world wide. This is why we need a savior to save us. Jesus is our savior. Good news is ''that the promis by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe''. When we give our life to Christ, who has fulfilled the requirement of the laws we areno longer imprisoned by sin, instead we enter a fellowship of people from every nationality and social status.

Deliverance from sin is the greatest of all freedoms



Today's daily bread is about human nature telling us to use anonymity to cover the bad things we do but, God tells us something else. When we do good deeds, we do not have to say it out, just for the glory and honouration of friends, When we do good deeds without attention God rewards you. The bible says we are not to let one hand know the good that the other hand is doing.

When we serve in Jesus' name, he gets the glory



Today's daily bread is about ''hallowed''. In the scripture the word Hallow is a synonym for the word sanctify. The name of God is not only thing that we are to hallow. We are to be hallowed. We can hallow today and everyday, by setting ourselves apart for God to be used by him.

A christian's greatest joy is to be used by God.

We are from SHEKINAH.Harvest.Church.
We're God's children &
We are children chasing after God!
Do respect our blog,
& dont judge us!
We Are, Elites!!
consisting of 3 Members
MavisLim, SiehLeewemn, ClaraLi.
Leader: Kelvin.



31 August 1996

06 August 1996

10 April 1996

Tagboard here.

Look carefully :P .
Reminders ,
Eg meetings: Tuesday after school.
Place: Undecided.
Time: Undecided.

Daily Bread dates :D
Mondays: Mavis
Tuesdays: Leewemn
Wednesdays: Clara
Thursdays: Mavis
Friday: Clara
Saturday: Free to all
Sunday: Leewemn

Daily Bread Link; http://www.rbc.org/odb/odb.shtml
If you CANT do Daily Bread please notify me :D
Otherwise, I expect the blog to be updated daily, after EOY already hor!
Be accountable.
Any other queries please ask me (:

Gone with the wind.

September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009


Designer : Chili.
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